Fifty years ago, groups of college students began investigating problems from shady business practices to illegal pollution. They called themselves PIRG — Public Interest Research Groups. Soon, more PIRGs formed, and then new organizations with new missions — Fund for the Public Interest, Environment America, Green Century, Green Corps, National Environmental Law Center, Frontier Group — all under the banner of The Public Interest Network. Together, this network has achieved thousands of milestones on the path to a greener, healthier America. Here are some of them.


Nature for nature’s sake

Protection of America’s most beautiful natural places often has turned on small shifts in public opinion and political will. Here are three campaigns that tipped the balance in favor of nature for nature’s sake.

Zero waste

Turning toward zero waste

Public opinion has shifted against the throwaway culture. Meet the people translating the shift into new policies and practices governing bottles and cans, plastic bags and other of our country’s wasteful ways.

Clean energy

The rise of renewable energy

The growth of clean, renewable American energy is accelerating. Find out how advocates, organizers and activists fueled the growth through the Million Solar Roofs Initiative, commitments to 100% clean electricity, and more.

Consumer protection

Consumers demand better

In today’s world, we can afford rules that deliver greater safety, honesty and security to consumers. Learn how PIRG has served as a force to hold companies accountable and help consumers demand better.

Public health

An ounce of prevention

We have the means to live far longer and healthier lives – if we put public health first. Here are three stories of how PIRG advocates and activists called attention to threats to our health that we should no longer tolerate.

In the states

Laboratories of democracy

From toxic waste cleanup to auto emission standards, the states have served as laboratories for innovative solutions to social problems. Check out four examples of state advocates advancing smart policies.


Students as citizens

PIRG campus chapters offers students a taste of what it means to be an effective agent for change in the world outside the university. Here’s how it all started and a few snapshots of the difference students have made.

Global warming

Confronting the climate challenge

The hard-won progress we've made in the race against climate catastrophe is worth examining, and serves as a foundation for more significant, popular and durable change.


Harnessing the law

Many of our laws give people the power to enforce the law, via the courts, when the government falls short. In more than 100 cases, Public Interest Network groups have exercised that power for the public and the planet.


Preventing toxic tragedies

The unbridled use and disposal of toxic chemicals have resulted in too many lives lost and damaged. Learn how our staff and members won policies that have helped prevent more toxic tragedies.

Financial protection

Credit where credit is due

What happens when advocates, organizers and the public stand together against financial abuses? A new consumer agency is born. New credit card reforms pass. Credit freezes become free. And more.


Transforming transportation

Cars that pollute less or not at all; buses that don’t spew diesel exhaust; alternatives to investing in highway expansion are three of the stories that are helping to transform transportation in America.

Clean air

Leaving dirty air in the past

Americans are no longer willing to bear smog and soot as the prices we pay for progress. See how our members and staff have organized and won action to clear the air.

Frontier Group

Research that matters

Since 1996, Frontier Group has provided a lasting home and dedicated staff for The Public Interest Network’s research and policy analysis–and a facts-first, solution-oriented approach to social problems.

Clean water

Bringing waters back to life

As the Clean Water Act turns 50, we share stories of cracking down on illegal pollution, shielding rivers from development, and restoring protections to streams and wetlands.

Green Corps

Training green organizers

Where can aspiring environmental organizers find the training and experience they need? Hear from some of those who turned a calling into a career with the help of Green Corps.


A more perfect union

The success or failure of American democracy has always depended on advocates for reform. See how the staff and members of PIRG have done our part to meet this challenge over 50 years.

The activist pipeline

The activist pipeline

Training has long been a top priority for The Public Interest Network. Meet some of the changemakers who honed their craft with the benefit of our training and staff development.


Democracy at your doorstep

Over 40 years, PIRG and the Fund have worked to perfect the art of canvassing citizens for support, action and giving. Hear how these efforts created a legacy beyond numbers.

Shareholder advocacy

The power of green investing

Since its founding in 1991, Green Century has raised the standard for environmentally responsible investing and, in so doing, for corporate behavior on the environment.